“By 2025, global sales of temperature-controlled medicine and biologics are expected to reach USD 416 billion. These figures are part of a larger global biopharma market that is expected to exceed USD 1.43 trillion,” according to the official website of MiPharma, a global platform that connects “like-minded supply chain professionals who share a common passion for pharma”.

Militzer & Münch Germany has been a member of MiPharma since 2023 in order to further expand this growing business segment. Holger Seehusen, Managing Director of M&M Germany, and Charlotte Dürr, Group Project Manager for Pharma, attended the three-day global MiPharma conference in Abu Dhabi in May.

“MiPharma helps us to close our network gaps and offers us industry contacts and expertise, even in difficult markets,” says Charlotte Dürr. “For example, through a network partner, we can now also help a German customer who has shipments for hospitals in a war zone in the Middle East. I have also initiated a number of links between other M&M locations and MiPharma members. To name just one: There is a large pharmaceutical customer that our colleagues at M&M India would like to attract that requires freight forwarding services in Hong Kong and warehousing in the UK.”

MiPharma members also have access to newly developed benefits, such as very affordable solutions for purchasing disposable thermal packaging or renting live data loggers, as well as training platforms and risk assessment tools.

Image source: miPharma

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